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I'm a full-stack UX engineer from Lagos, Nigeria. On this blog, I and my team write about in-demand digital skills, remote work, and personal growth. Join remote bites for exclusive content.

The 20%: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist (PDF)

The 20%: LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist (PDF)
Members Public

The 20% to pay attention to when optimizing your linkedin profile. Use this to self-critique what you currently have, in addition to LinkedIn recommendations.

Remote Work
Download Task Tracking Sheet For Freelancers v.1

Download Task Tracking Sheet For Freelancers v.1
Members Public

Collaborate with agencies on your terms with a custom task tracking sheet. It's also a simple and clear way to measure your current capacity.

Remote Work
Download Cold Email Tracking Template v.1

Download Cold Email Tracking Template v.1
Members Public

Play the efficiency game with my cold email tracking template. It's best for a one-man agency or solopreneur looking to get more clients.

Remote Work
Hustle 101: An Intro Guide

Hustle 101: An Intro Guide
Members Public

Hustle knows no race or background. It doesnโ€™t care whether youโ€™re a dependent hustler (9-5) or an independent hustler(entrepreneur), the code is to show up to get fed.

Personal Growth