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How Nigerian Students Can Kickstart a Freelance Career

Become a global citizen who earns in foreign currency with a guide on how to kickstart a freelance career in Nigeria.

BT Team
BT Team

The gig economy has opened exciting doors for many, and students are no exception. Many Nigerian students are freelancing to build skills, gain financial independence, and explore career options. Freelancing offers a unique opportunity to do all of these things, allowing you to work on flexible projects while fitting your studies around your work. But where do you even begin?

This article is your guide to getting started with a successful freelance career as a Nigerian student, even if you're completely new to the concept.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is offering your skills and services directly to clients on a contract basis. A freelancer is a person who does this type of work.

Freelancers are essentially self-employed individuals who work for themselves. They find and secure their own projects, negotiate their rates, manage their own time, and work remotely. You can complete your work from anywhere with a stable internet connection.

For Nigerian students with a wide range of talents, freelancing can be a perfect option to consider. Whether you are good at writing, management, teaching, or design, there's a freelance niche to fill and build a successful career.

Freelancing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Building a successful freelance career takes time, dedication, and continuous learning.

Why Freelancing is Great for Students?

Freelancing is an ideal way for students to balance their studies with professional growth and financial independence.

Here are some key benefits to consider:

  • Flexibility: Freelancing provides a flexible way of working that traditional part-time jobs with fixed hours cannot offer. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for students who have to balance their studies, exams, and other engagements. By freelancing, you can select projects that suit your schedule and workload, ensuring your academic activities remain a priority.
  • Skill Development: Freelancing can help you improve your current skills and even acquire new ones to cater to your clients' needs. It provides you with practical work experience, which makes you a more desirable candidate for potential employers after you graduate. Additionally, it enables you to create a strong portfolio that can impress future employers and increase your chances of getting hired.
  • Financial Independence: Freelancing provides an opportunity to earn money and gain financial independence. This can help cover living expenses, textbooks, or even saving for future goals. The income you generate can ease the financial burden of student life and give you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Career Exploration: Freelancing exposes you to different industries and career paths. You can work with various clients, learn about other work styles, and potentially discover a passion you weren't aware of before. Additionally, you'll build connections with clients and professionals in your field, expanding your network and potentially opening doors to future opportunities.

How to Start a Freelancing Career as a Nigerian Student

Identify Your Skills and Niche

Before getting started with freelancing, identify your skills and niche. This understanding allows you to target projects and clients needing your expertise. Imagine you're a social media enthusiast – you can craft engaging content and manage online communities for businesses. Focusing on a niche like social media management hones your skills within a specific area. In a crowded freelance world, identifying your niche helps you stand out.

Don't worry if you don't have any skills yet. Many valuable freelance skills can be learned or developed over time. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or Udacity offer affordable courses for various skill sets. You're great at organizing tasks but haven't done virtual assisting before. You can take an online course to learn the ropes and help clients stay on top of their schedules.

The internet is a vast space filled with free learning opportunities. You can make use of free tutorials, ebooks, and other online resources to acquire foundational knowledge. For instance, YouTube offers an extensive collection of tutorials, and websites like Skillshare provide free content to help you get started. If you are interested in learning a new language but haven't taken any formal classes, there are free apps like Duolingo and other online resources that can help you build your skills before considering offering translation services.

Build Your Portfolio

After identifying your skill and niche, building a solid portfolio is your golden ticket to attracting clients. Here's how to get started:

  • Volunteer or take on pro bono projects: Non-profit organizations or individuals often need help with your skills. Lending your expertise gives you valuable experience you can showcase in your portfolio, and it's a win-win – you build your skills while helping a good cause.
  • Create sample projects: Don't wait for clients to come knocking! Take the initiative and design a logo, write a blog post on a topic relevant to your niche, or edit a short video. These self-directed projects demonstrate your capabilities to potential clients and give you a jumpstart on building your portfolio.
  • Participate in online contests: Many online platforms hold design, writing, or other freelancing-related contests. Participating is a fantastic way to gain exposure, build your confidence, and potentially win recognition that can boost your portfolio. So, think of it as an internship you can do on your own time – honing your skills and gaining recognition, all while building a portfolio to land paying freelance gigs.

Build Your Online Presence

Building an online presence is important to your freelance journey. A solid online presence acts as your digital store, showcasing your expertise to potential clients. Craft a compelling LinkedIn profile highlighting your expertise, and consider creating profiles on other platforms relevant to your field. For example, a writer specializing in health and wellness could create profiles on health blogs or social media communities for fitness enthusiasts. A graphic designer might showcase their portfolio on platforms like Dribbble or Behance. Create a website or online portfolio showcasing your work and contact information. Share your knowledge through blog posts, social media content, or videos to demonstrate your passion and capabilities. Actively participate in online communities related to your niche, answer questions, and network with other freelancers and potential clients.

Building an online presence takes time, but consistent content creation, audience engagement, and a professional profile will pave the way for attracting clients and building a successful freelance career.

Find clients

Finding freelance clients in Nigeria requires a multifaceted approach. Online platforms like LinkedIn, Fiverr, and Upwork can be leveraged to connect with clients. Research and choose platforms that best suit your niche and skillset.

Don't be passive; identify businesses or individuals who might need your services and send personalized proposals highlighting your skills and experience. Use online directories, attend industry events, connect on social media, and join online communities to build relationships that can lead to projects.

Finally, research market rates for your skills and set competitive rates. Always prioritize clear communication with clients regarding deadlines, revisions, and payment terms to ensure a smooth working relationship.

Deliver Quality Work and Build a Reputation

Building a solid reputation is key to success as a freelancer. Deliver exceptional work that exceeds expectations and consistently meets deadlines. Maintain clear and professional communication throughout projects, keeping clients informed and addressing concerns promptly.

Don't forget to leverage the power of positive feedback. Request testimonials from satisfied clients and showcase them on your portfolio or social media. Happy clients are more likely to return for future projects and recommend you to others, propelling your freelance career forward.

Continuously Learn and Grow

Never stop learning as a freelancer. Invest in yourself by taking online courses or attending workshops to sharpen your existing skills and learn new ones relevant to your niche. Stay ahead of the curve by devouring industry publications and keeping up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. Networking is key. Attend industry events, connect with other freelancers online, and build strong relationships. This opens doors to exciting opportunities and potential collaborations.


Freelancing offers Nigerian students a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience, build a career, and earn money while studying. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn your skills into a thriving freelance career that complements your studies and paves the way for your future success. Remember, success takes dedication. By following these tips and constantly refining your skills, you can build a thriving freelance career alongside your studies.

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